“树葆”亮相《联合国防治荒漠化公约》缔约方大会发表时间:2024-12-17 12:57 12月2日至13日,《联合国防治荒漠化公约》第十六次缔约方大会(COP16)在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得召开,为分享“三北”工程为代表的中国荒漠化防治成效与经验,讲述中国人民艰苦卓绝、久久为功的治沙故事,中国政府在COP16大会期间设立了“中国馆”,中国代表团团长、国家林业和草原局局长关志鸥参加了开馆仪式,“中国馆”以“跨世纪三北工程新时代中国实践”为主题,组织展览展示、举办互动边会等活动,搭建广泛交流、共商合作、分享经验平台。 运城清海科技有限公司发明的“植物葆青罐”(简称:树葆)作为中国治沙暨沙业学会筛选的中国防治荒漠化技术,在“中国馆”展出,吸引了多国参会者的关注,纷纷索要资料,询问技术内容,该公司总经理“树葆”发明人赵树海分别在中国馆、沙特馆作了3场题为《“树葆”在荒漠化防治中的应用》的报告,引起了较大反响,沙特塔伊夫地方发展委员会委员/塔伊夫玫瑰与芳香植物协会董事/沙特中国商务理事会执行委员/塔伊夫市政公司常务董事Sultan先生听取报告后,邀请赵树海到塔伊夫市传授技术,12月5日,赵树海从沙特首都利雅得飞行1个半小时到达沙特西部城市塔伊夫,在当地一个农场向塔伊夫农业协会到场人员介绍了“树葆”技术,为了验证“树葆”的神奇,在农场的无花果树和葡萄树下去掉滴灌安装了“树葆”,农场负责人说:我们这里干旱少雨,只能采用滴灌,地下水又少,“树葆”在我们这里非常适用,希望能尽快采用这一技术,积极参与沙特政府提出的种植100亿棵树的计划。 展示期间很多国家参会人员了解“树葆”后表示回国后联系采购事宜。 12月14日,赵树海从沙特回来又直接赶往中国治沙暨沙业学会在甘肃省兰州市举办的钱学森沙产业理论创立 40 周年学术研讨会。 “树葆”是一种保障植物存活、促进植物生长装置,包括蓄水桶、蒸发罩、漏斗、过滤网、逆止阀等,埋在植物的根部,收集雨水,干旱时期水蒸发到土壤,保障植物存活,促进植物生长,在荒山造林、沙漠治理、园林绿化、矿山生态修复、果树助长、水果蔬菜栽培等领域进行了大量实验,均取得了非凡效果,是改善生态环境、减少地下水开采、减少水利投资、减少化肥使用、发展有机旱作农业、提高农业收入、促进乡村振兴的理想产品,使用成本低,安装简单,为干旱地区种植经济作物提供了全新的技术手段,获得美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、非洲专利权,具有国际领先水平。获中国杨凌农业高新科技成果博览会最高奖项“后稷特别奖”、获第二届全国沙产业创新创业大赛优秀奖,获全国农业创新创业创意项目大赛优胜奖,入选中国治沙暨产业学会《中国沙产业》大型专刊,入选《世界荒漠化防治大会论文集》。发明人赵树海被全国科技报聘为乡村振兴活动科技带头人;被评为山西省“创新达人标兵”,运城市科技特派员,运城市委联系服务的专家,日内瓦国际发明展金奖获得者,以“发明达人”的身份登上了《今日中国》杂志封面,入选山西省“三晋英才”;获得山西最美科技工作者等称号,他创办的企业被国家认定为高新技术企业。 “树葆”在中国馆展出 赵树海中国馆作题为《“树葆”在荒漠化防治中的应用》的报告 赵树海在沙特塔伊夫向当地农业协会负责人介绍“树葆”技术 向沙特塔伊夫农业协会赠送“树葆” 在当地农场安装了两个“树葆” “树葆”在荒漠化防治中的应用 Application Case of "SHUBAO" in Desertification Prevention and Control 1、现状:植物遇到严重干旱时期会大面积死亡。 Current situation:Plants will die extensively during severe drought periods. 干旱14年的树长不大,很多地方因干旱种上的树长不大。 2、现有技术 : 干旱地区大量采用滴灌技术,造成地下水位下降,另外,滴灌需要架线、打井、铺管道、浇水、用电、管道维护等等成本非常大。滴灌的水蒸发后盐碱会留下,最终会变成盐碱地。 Prior art:Drip irrigation technology is widely used in arid areas, causing a decrease in groundwater levels. In addition, drip irrigation requires high costs such as wiring, drilling wells, laying pipelines, watering, electricity consumption, and pipeline maintenance.After the drip irrigation water evaporates, it will eventually become saline alkali land. 传统的植树造林方式是种子种在苗圃,再将树苗移栽到荒山,然后不断浇水,弊端是: 1、苗圃占用大量良田;2、在没有水源的地方无法移栽。 The traditional afforestation method involves planting seeds in the nursery, then transplanting the seedlings to barren mountains and continuously watering them. The drawbacks are: 1. The nursery occupies a large amount of fertile land; 2. It is not possible to transplant in areas without water sources. 3、技术方案:为了解决上述问题,中国工程师赵树海发明了“植物葆青罐”,简称“树葆”, 2016年申请专利,2017年7月形成产品,经过6年来的研究、实验、创新,解决了现有技术的问题。 Technical Proposal: experimentation, and innovation, he solved the problems of existing technology. “树葆”包括蓄水桶、网罩、漏斗、过滤网、逆止阀等。 使用方法和原理是:将“树葆”埋在植物的根部,收集雨水,干旱时期水从网罩蒸发到土壤,保持土壤的墒情,维持植物存活,促进植物生长。蓄水桶注满水后可以保持2-5个月蒸发时间。 "SHUBAO" includes water storage buckets, mesh covers, funnels, filter screens, check valves, etc. The usage method and principle are: bury "SHUBAO" at the roots of plants, collect rainwater, evaporate water into the soil during drought, maintain soil oisture, maintain plant survival, and promote plant growth. After filling the water storage tank with water, it can maintain a evaporation time of 2-5 months. 实验效果:2017年7月初次实验在山西运城盐湖边,选择了一棵旱情严重的树安装了“树葆”,一个月后查看,效果明显。 Experimental results: In July 2017, a tree with severe drought was selected and installed with "SHUBAO" in the first experiment by the salt lake in Yuncheng, Shanxi. One month later, the effect was significant. 植树造林工程一棵树安装了“树葆”,仅安装“树葆”的那棵树活着。两年后这棵树的长势与对比树大不相同。 The afforestation project installed "SHUBAO" on one tree, but only the tree with "SHUBAO" installed is still alive. Two years later, the growth of this tree is significantly different from the comparison tree. 14年生的树因干旱生长缓慢,使用“树葆”一个月后,生长速度显著提高。 "SHUBAO" for one month. 乌兰布和额济纳旗沙漠试验也取得了显著成果。 在内蒙古库布其沙漠实验,效果明显。 In the experiment in the Kubuqi Desert of Inner Mongolia, the effect was obvious, and the leaves of the trees installed with "SHUBAO" fell late. 新疆戈壁滩实验也获得成功 新疆戈壁滩绿化工程安装了一个“树葆”,仅安装“树葆”的活着 "SHUBAO" are still alive. 方法是:种子埋在“树葆”的旁边,等待下雨。雨后种子发芽,“树葆”保障成活。 waiting for rain. After the rain, the seeds sprout and "SHUBAO" ensures their survival. 沙漠无水造林,雨后种子发芽 矿山生态修复无水造林用“树葆” SHUBAO is used for ecological restoration and waterless afforestation in mines. 看到的绿色都是“树葆”产生的效果 The green color seen is the result of "SHUBAO". 黄河流域生态治理用“树葆” 形成典范 The use of "SHUBAO" in ecological governance of the Yellow River Basin has become a model. 安装树葆的成活率100%,长势旺盛。 The use of "SHUBAO" in ecological governance of the Yellow River Basin has become a model. 雪松用“树葆”,六年没有浇水已成林。 果树助长用树葆 节水节肥保丰收 Fruit trees use "SHUBAO" for growth, with large fruits and long leaves. 用“树葆”的桃树花开满枝,对比明显。 右侧用“树葆”的桃树长势强劲 使用“树葆”的核桃树与未用的生长区别很大,上千亩核桃树使用“树葆”后,当年产量增加30%。 The growth difference between walnut trees that use "SHUBAO" and those that are not used is significant. After using"SHUBAO" on thousands of acres of walnut trees, the annual yield increases by 30%. 用树葆两年后的核桃树对比照片,左边是未用树葆的,右边是用树葆的 2023年,甘肃省成县天气干旱,2万2千多棵核桃树使用“树葆”喜获丰收,中国中央电视台报道。 In 2023, due to dry weather in Chengxian County, Gansu Province, over 22000 walnut trees achieved a bountiful harvest using "SHUBAO", as reported by China Central Television. 右侧是用“树葆”的,叶子绿,果子多,个头大。 On the right is a pear tree that uses "SHUBAO", with green leaves, many fruits, and a large head. 所有的实验都没有使用肥料,结果用“树葆”的植物长势远远好于现有技术。 一万亩的梨树叶子都落了,用“树葆”的梨树叶子还是绿的,果实大、甜度高、卖价高。 The leaves of ten thousand acres of pear trees have fallen off, and the leaves of pear trees that use "SHUBAO" are still green, with large fruits, high sweetness, and high selling prices. 葡萄树用“树葆”果大叶绿产量高。 产出了树葆西瓜、树葆酥梨、树葆樱桃等高档水果,不用化肥,有机环保。 We have produced high-end fruits such as SHUBAO watermelon, SHUBAO pear, SHUBAO cherry, etc., which do not require chemical fertilizers and are organic and environmentally friendly. “树葆”已转化为不同用途的系列产品,可以广泛用于:荒山造林、沙漠治理、园林绿化、矿山生态修复、果树助长、水果蔬菜栽培、家庭养花等,市场需求量巨大。 barren mountains, desert management, landscaping, ecological restoration of mines, fruit tree growth, fruit and vegetable cultivation, household flower cultivation, etc., with huge market demand. 沙漠治理:两年前在沙漠里从滴灌带上移栽到“树葆”旁的小苗,无人管理,长势旺盛,而滴灌带上的小苗几乎全部夭折。 沙漠樟子松用“树葆”,5年之后长势与对比树区别很大。 “树葆”在中国林业科学院沙林实验中心进行测试。在右侧,使用“树葆”的树木生长旺盛,实验数据远优于现有技术。 荒山造林:荒山造林用树葆,成活率大大提高 矿山生态修复:原来不具备植物生长的地方用“树葆”可以成活。 Ecological restoration of mines:In areas where plant growth is difficult, using "SHUBAO" can help it survive. “树葆”周围形成了天然的草方格,防风固沙,修复生态。 枯树救治:雪松面临枯萎,安装“树葆”后焕发青春。 Rescue of withered trees:Cedar trees are facing withering, and after installing "SHUBAO", they are rejuvenated. 5、发明人简介:发明人赵树海,高级工程师,曾获日内瓦国际发明展金奖,以发明达人的称号登上了《今日中国》杂志封面,中国治沙暨产业学会理事。 6、获得国际专利:“树葆”已获得中国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、非洲专利权。 Obtaining international patents: SHUBAO has obtained patent rights in China, the United States, Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Africa. 产品出口澳大利亚 SHUBAO is exported to Australia. 博茨瓦纳住驻中国大使及专家来公司考察,产品已经出口博茨瓦纳 赞比亚大使将“树葆”带回了他们国家。 The Zambian ambassador brought 'SHUBAO' back to their country. “树葆”的研究论文被收入荒漠化防治国际研讨会论文集 Prevention and Control. “树葆”获全国沙产业创新创业大赛优秀奖 "SHUBAO" won the Excellent Award in the National Sand Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2021年12月29日,“树葆”获全国农村创业创新项目创意大赛优胜奖。 "SHUBAO" won the Excellence Award in the National Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project Creativity Competition. 2022年本公司荣获“国家高新技术企业”称号 In 2022, Yuncheng Qinghai Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "National High tech Enterprise". |